DataTrim Dupe Alerts, How To, Support
Confidence in Every Click: Guiding You Through Salesforce Deduplication Bliss Merging records in Salesforce can often feel like navigating a complex maze. Uncertainties regarding what data to retain, concerns about the ripple effects on related records, and crucial...
DataTrim Entry Check, How To, News
DataTrim Entry Check Extras: Features you might not have discovered yet DataTrim Entry Check is a simple to use app. It helps preventing users from entering duplicates, but there is more under the hood. Check out some of the hidden gems in this article, and get more...
Account Organizer, How To, Support
Roll-up to Ultimate Parent Accounts Want to roll-up revenue to ultimate parent accounts? Roll-up value of Open opportunities, number of opportunities, contacts and cases? Whether you are doing Account-Based-Selling (ABS) and/or Account-Based-Marketing (ABM), you would...
DataTrim Dupe Alerts, How To, Support
Merge Rules and how to select what data to keep during the merge process. When merging records in salesforce all related data such as Activities, Attachments etc. are always moved across from the Dupe (the record which goes away) to the Survivor (the records which...
Best Practice, DataTrim Dupe Alerts
Initiating a deduplication of candidate records after migrating data from the previous Hiring, Staffing, ATS system, or otherwise after parsing numerous CVs you may end up with 1000’s of candidates records which in a snapshot may look like this: Different...