DataTrim – and Data Quality
DataTrim – and Data Quality
Potential Duplicates List
Deduplicating in salesforce can often feel like a daunting challenge. But what if it could be transformed into a collaborative and efficient process? With the DataTrim Dupe Alerts solution, we redefine data deduplication by fostering a harmonious collaboration between...
Merging Account and Contacts with redundant Account-Contact relationship
Merging records in Salesforce should be a breeze. But have you felt the frustration when you the notorious error ''MERGE_FAILED… redundant account-contact relationship", throwing a wrench into your consolidation efforts? -the DataTrim Merge Wizard will help you...
The DataTrim Merge Wizard
Confidence in Every Click: Guiding You Through Salesforce Deduplication Bliss Merging records in Salesforce can often feel like navigating a complex maze. Uncertainties regarding what data to retain, concerns about the ripple effects on related records, and crucial...

DataTrim Dupe Alerts – Mastering Alert Filters
Dupe Alert Filters and how to use them to match and merge subsets of your account, contact or lead data.
Putting everything into one big black bucket, giving it a stir and see what happens, will not get you the best starting point for a job well done.

Deduping Candidates in an Applicant Tracking Solution
Deduping candidates is a recruitment database isn't always as easy as it sounds, especially if number of candidates reaches a certain volume. “Deduping candidates requires a more delicate and sophisticated matching process than when deduping business contacts”...