Best Practice, DataTrim Data Laundry, How To
To get Clean Data, first you need Data Quality Assessment. Only then can you effectively get Clean Data. If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. -Lewis Carroll YOU NEED CLEAN DATA BECAUSE: Lead, Contact or Account assignment by...
Best Practice, DataTrim Data Laundry, How To
Data Quality and Beyond Now, that you have had a chance to understand, assess and improve your Data Quality, it is time to keep it this way. It is time to make a plan, a Data Management Plan. In the previous articles: Understanding Data Quality (Episode 1) Assessing...
Best Practice, DataTrim Data Laundry, How To
What is wrong with the data we do have? Now that you have an idea of how to Assess your Data Quality, you obviously want to make the numbers look better and Improving Data Quality. Let me start by warning you: The road is long, never ending and with a lot of dangers...
Best Practice, DataTrim Data Laundry, How To
This Article will describe how you can measure the Data Quality, and how you can use these measures as a guideline for how and where you should improve the Data Quality. After reading our Introduction to Data Quality, you may ask yourself (or maybe your boss will ask...
Best Practice, DataTrim Data Laundry
Discover strategies for assessing and improving the quality of your data in Salesforce. Data Quality is Important Inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to 20% stalled productivity, which is one day of work each week. The average company loses 12% of its revenue as a...